A 16-Year-Old Girl

29 Aug 2019


Here are some examples of sadomoralism. Published at www.reason.com, Robby Soave - 5.29.2019 4:34 PM.

For the URL, see https://reason.com/2019/05/29/16-year-old-girl-sex-porn-child-court-case/

If it gets memory holed, we saved a PDF of the original article, see here


One thing about the psychopaths and sociopaths in government, is they are never going to stop producing abundant examples of their desire to harm other people. They are mentally ill. They can't help themselves.

Do we need to add more? What else can we say?

" The Special Court of Appeals upheld S.K.'s conviction, ruling that the consensual nature of the sex act in question was irrelevant, as was the fact that it was not illegal for S.K. to perform the act. Taking a video of the act and sending it to other people constituted distribution of child pornography, according to the court's decision."
